
I installed ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on my PC (HP 840G1)and there is an override on the windows 10 system

cn flag

I installed Ubuntu 20.04.3LTS on my PC and i cannot access the windows 10 system at all.There is no option to switch between the two operating systems(no grub display after restarTing PC).

24601 avatar
in flag
did you select to overwrite everything on the PC? Do you recall what options you selected when installing? Did you backup important stuff from Windows before strarting the install process? please [edit] your question with further information accordingly.
Maurine Cheled avatar
cn flag
I created partitions for Ubuntu during the installation and had backed up important data from Windows, but getting back to windows after using Ubuntu is problematic.
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
*Do you recall what options you selected when installing?* This is very important... And again, please edit the question accordingly in order to add new info. Comments shouldn't be used for that.

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