
Using chown to change ownership on additional HDD

cn flag

OS Linux 20.04. Having installed an additional HDD in position /dev/sdc1 (Label Data 22) I am confronted with root as owner.

Is either of the following syntaxes correct in order to set me up as owner?

sudo chown Robert Data 22   
sudo chown Robert /dev/sdc1
Greenonline avatar
us flag
The space in `Data 22` *might* cause a problem. At least in the `chown` as it will see `Data` as one file and then `22` as a second file.
mook765 avatar
cn flag
What you have to do depends on the filesystem in use, so which filesystem is used on `dev/sdc1`?
pasman pasmański avatar
mx flag
Disk is installed permanent or removable (via usb) ? Please add this information in your post.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
The chown is only for Linux formatted partitions. It does not work on Windows formatted partitions like NTFS or FAT32. For t;hose your mount gives you permissions you need to use NTFS. So what is partition? Post this: `sudo parted -l`
in flag

Generally one would change the permissions via the mount point rather than the device name. For example, if the device you listed above is mounted at /project/data, then you could do something like this:

sudo chown robert:robert /project/data

If you wanted every file and directory contained in that path to also be owned by the account name, then you could add a -R to the command:

sudo chown -R robert:robert /project/data

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