
VGA monitor works with Windows but not with Ubuntu

my flag

I have a dual boot PC with a NVIDIA 610 graphics card, usually connected to a HDMI monitor. Testing a free-to-me VGA monitor works with both monitors, but not with the VGA only on Ubuntu 20.04. VGA works fine on Windows though.

cocomac avatar
cn flag
We're going to need more info about the hardware. What monitor is it? Are you using a VGA port on your device or an (active) HDMI to VGA adapter to connect your monitor? Is your setup `VGA on PC -> Monitor` or is it more complex like `HDMI on PC -> Active VGA converter -> Monitor`?
codlord avatar
ru flag
What graphics device/s do you have, what drivers are you using? Ubuntu Settings -> About will give you basic info. And I suggest you update your question with the results of the following with the monitor connected: `xrandr` and also `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE`
my flag
it was a driver problem, nVidia 610 now using prop driver 390 and all is well. Thaks for the response.
sa flag

Generally installing the proprietary Nvidia graphics driver automatically works for most systems with Nvidia graphics cards.

sudo apt update  
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall     
sudo reboot  

In your case you have old hardware, so start from the bottom with the oldest proprietary Nvidia graphics driver which is nvidia-driver-390 in Ubuntu 20.04. If that doesn't work, work your way up by uninstalling the old Nvidia graphics driver version with sudo apt remove '^nvidia' && sudo reboot and installing a newer Nvidia graphics driver version.

sudo apt update  
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390    
sudo reboot  

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