
Failed to connect. Is Docker running? (Vs Code)

us flag

I get this error in Ubuntu in vscode and I can't see my images in vscode.

I run sudo docker ps -a and everything is OK on terminal!

What should I do to solve this problem?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Milad avatar
us flag
Is it about `sudo`?
jp flag
It is highly plausible that it's about `sudo`. You shouldn't set up docker to require `sudo`. Other than being a security problem, your IDE which doesn't run using sudo will not be able to access and use any docker command. Internally, it is most likely getting a permission denied error.
Milad avatar
us flag
@Dan I should delete docker and install it in another way?
jp flag
In theory, no. It is fixable. You can try following this doc on how to not require `sudo`. And then see if is enough (In short, you need to your user to the docker group and fix some permissions).

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