
For each different folder how to make a different .iso?

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I have 12 folders


I wish to make something like this


but I don't know what command can I use. Any suggestion?

with Mkisofs you can use

mkisofs –o backup.iso /home/tin/Documents/backup

but this command is only for 1 folder: 1 iso file but I want 12 folders:12 iso files

pLumo avatar
in flag
Can't you use a loop? `for d in */; do mkisofs -o "$d.iso" "$d" ; done`
David avatar
cn flag
Why do you need to do this?
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@pLumo make it an answer :P you need the rep >:-D
Jack Rock avatar
cn flag
@pLumo I have this strange output, seems don't work, look here:
pLumo avatar
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pfffff @Rinzwind
Jack Rock avatar
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@pLumo I don't understand in what folders create that .iso because I go in folders and I don't see nothing, no .iso files
pLumo avatar
in flag
Ah my fault .wait!
Jack Rock avatar
cn flag
@pLumo I see... is inside my **zoom** folder and inside **zoom** folder but that .iso have no folder names ! Look here
pLumo avatar
in flag
yes I know, I explain that in my answer.
in flag

In the comments I told you to run:

for d in */; do
    mkisofs -o "$d.iso" "$d"

This created hidden files .iso in each of the directory, because inside the loop, $d contains a trailing slash, and evaluates to one/.iso instead of the expected one.iso.

So, please delete these files first:

rm */.iso

Now (and next time) you can do the right thing directly:

Go to the parent directory of your 12 directories and make a loop:

for d in */; do
    mkisofs -o "${d%/}.iso" "$d"

--> ${d%/} removes the trailing slash.

The iso files will be next to the directories named like

Jack Rock avatar
cn flag
Super! thank you !
pLumo avatar
in flag
Sorry for the confusion, glad to help :-)
us flag
@pLumo I think now you've cleared up the confusion, you can get rid of the top half of your answer and delete your first comment, otherwise you might make other people confused as well!

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