
How to display all available bluetooth devices in my ubuntu 20.04?

th flag

I booted my new pc in ubuntu 20.04 but when I try to connect any Bluetooth device to my system but it didn't show any Bluetooth device in the setting?


David avatar
cn flag
Do you know for sure your machine has Bluetooth?
cn flag
"How to display all available bluetooth devices " That is not how BT works. If there are it will only list -paired- devices. To pair you need to make sure the system has BT support and then turn BT on. Pairing a device will make it prompt for it (it differs ever so slightly per device how though)
priyanshu Sharma avatar
th flag
How do I check that my system has Bluetooth?
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
`lspci` (for internal, like a WiFi+BT card) or `lsusb` (for external USB devices). One of them should provide a result. Please edit the question and post the `lspci` line result that identifies your WiFi card. If it's a model take includes Bluetooth we can then find out. If external, well, you should know what you connected or not.
priyanshu Sharma avatar
th flag
I don't understand I'm really noob in Linux, so sorry

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