
How to manually compile make in a live session w/o internet?

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I need to install a Wi-Fi driver in a live session, but it does not come with "make".

How can I install make so I can install the driver, without internet?

waltinator avatar
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This is an information-free Question. What OS, release, hardware, WiFi hardware, ...? Did you build your boot medium with persistent storage? Read
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To *compile* `make` you'd first need to install a compiler. Before you go down that rabbit hole, look at installing the `make` package offline - see for example [How can I install software or packages without Internet (offline)?](
J.Tho avatar
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@waltinator Sorry about that, I didn't think it was relevant. It's a 20.04 live session on a usb stick that needs the rtl88x2bu driver for a realtek wifi chip ( I do not think it has persistent storage, as I haven't done anything to it after creating it.
waltinator avatar
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