
Ubuntu 20.04 systemd status hanging terminal and ubuntu

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Recently i notice problem when i try one tutorial with nginx and nginx. I cannot check service using sudo systemctl status for any service at my Ubuntu 20.04

for example check docker.service

sudo systemctl status docker.service

It is not problem to execute other systemctl commands like sudo systemctl enable docker.service etc....

What i could check for this strange appearance? exist alternative to check status of service at systemd?

in flag
Can I confirm the problem? When you use `sudo systemctl status {service name}` there is no output? Does the Terminal actually hang and needs to be forcibly closed? Is there anything in `/var/log/syslog` that points to the issue?
Hamilkar Barkas avatar
tc flag
1) `When you use sudo systemctl status {service name} there is no output?` - Yes 2) `When you use sudo systemctl status {service name} there is no output?` - Exacly, i had have to use ctrl+c 3) When i tried check status - i see update `/var/log/` four update of log files ufw.log, kern.log, syslog and auth.log

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