
Where are netboot files for hirsute 21.04?

cn flag

I am searching for netboot files for Hirsute Hippo 21.04, ie linux and initrd.gz

The usual repo path that worked for 20.04 LTS ( don't work for Hirsute Hippo.

Where I can find those files ?

user535733 avatar
cn flag
The netboot installer was deprecated in 20.04 (that's why it was in *legacy-images*), and has since been discontinued. It was a byproduct of a workflow that has changed.
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Does this answer your question? [Where is the MinimalCd / mini.iso for Groovy Gorilla?](
N0rbert avatar
zw flag
Deprecation of mini.iso is absolutely wrong decision. Many users [still need it]( So such users will [switch to Debian]( or use [20.04 LTS mini.iso]( as starting point, then upgrade it to latest release.
mx flag

The netboot installer has been discontinued. Files vmlinuz and initrd for pxe may be copied from standard installation image ( they are in the directory /casper )


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