
ACPI BIOS (bug) could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PCIO.SBRG.EC0], AE_NOT_FOUND

ru flag

I recently updated my laptop that has Ubuntu running on it and tried restarting, but it gave me this error message. I haven't been able to get it to start since.

Error code

Sorry I can't type out the error but there's too many lines for me.

Any help would be awesome!


I am running a Samsung np550xta laptop and I did a sudo apt update then a sudo apt upgrade. After that I started getting error codes

guiverc avatar
cn flag
The warning or error in your title is not the issue. Your system ends with a kernel panic (*so little helpful error messages on the actual problem can be printed; prior messages are all you'll see that may or may not provide a clue*). Have you booted a *live* system and checked your file-system(s) (ie. run `fsck`). The problem was likely caused on the last working session (*and could just be power-outage, or user forcing an unclean shutdown*).
hu flag
What is "updated my laptop"? What have you updated, replaced or modified?
nobody avatar
gh flag
What did you exactly? Hardware update or Softwareupdate? Distroupgrade?

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