
How can I label a partition on linux

ru flag

I'm new to linux and I want to set up my partition. I have ssd and hdd my partition is like this

1: fat32 /boot/efi 512MB ext4 / 30GB ext4 /home (rest of the storage)

2: (for the harddisk) ext4 /games(the whole harddisk)

So the question is: can I name(label) my harddisk partition on linux?

Anto gamus avatar
ru flag
so the question is can I labeled my partition sorry I didn't ask it I'm new and I'm stupid
David avatar
cn flag
As it is written this question does not have even the littlest bit of sense.
Anto gamus avatar
ru flag
sorry lol I'm stupid so can I name(label) my harddisk partition on linux?
David avatar
cn flag
If you think you can make the question make some sense edit it not add comments.
cn flag

Yes, you can label a partition. Use "Disks" utility for that.

Anto gamus avatar
ru flag
Thanks man for the answer!
iq flag

You can use Gaparted, It's easy to use. If you don't have Gparted installed, install it by

sudo apt install gparted

Anto gamus avatar
ru flag
Thanks for answering my question!
sean avatar
ss flag
It may be useful to mention how to use GParted to answer the question.

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