
How can I get alsamixergui to default to -c 1 and be able to open it with a shortcut (dock icon or desktop icon)

in flag

Ok, so I'm new to ubuntu and wanted to have audio output to both built-in laptop speakers and an external speaker which is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I discovered the terminal command "alsamixer" which allowed me to disable auto mute and manually unmute the built-in speakers. I then discovered "alsamixergui" which is a lot easier on the eyes but sadly it defaults to displaying the audio card for the HDMI port. Using "alsamixergui -c 1" displays the proper HD audio card and channels. Is there a way to have -c 1 be the default card displayed when running "alsamixergui"? Also, can I have a desktop icon/shortcut that when opened will run/input into terminal: "alsamixergui -c 1"?

Thanks in advance!

in flag
I want an icon that when opened will act as if "alsamixergui -c 1" was typed into terminal.

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