
How do I install this file?

mx flag

Sorry guys, complete noob here, if it's not in the snap store I'm lost.

I downloaded Mari from

How do I safely install this?

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal

enter image description here

David avatar
cn flag
Where did the file come from and what is its extension? Can not tell anything from that picture.
mx flag
Sorry yes the picture was bad, its a shell script
mx flag it came from that link I posted
David avatar
cn flag
Are you trying to run a program? All you are showing is the name of a script. Your link requires a login I will not do that.
sd flag

From the docs. You can simply run:

chmod +x
sudo ./

You will then presented with EULA which prompt you to accept it.

The official docs pretty much cover everything you need to install →

mx flag
I cd into that folder sudo ./ sudo: ./ command not found what am i doing wrong?
Liso avatar
sd flag
Just an idea, try this: `chmod +x && sudo ./`.
mx flag
chmod: cannot access '': No such file or directory
Liso avatar
sd flag
You need to `cd` to the folder where the `.run` file resided, then execute the command.
mx flag
yes sorry, got it and it seems to be working, many thanks for your time

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