
How to install Ubuntu WSL on Windows 11 without a Microsoft account?

eg flag

The Ubuntu WSL page page only links to the Microsoft store page.

The installation of apps from the Microsoft Store requires a Microsoft account on Windows 11. Is it possible to install Ubuntu in WSL without a Microsoft Account?

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ru flag
To my knowledge, there's no way to get the underlying WSL Ubuntu deployment tool without a Microsoft account. If your sole reason for not registering one is "I don't want Microsoft to have my information" then you shouldn't be using Windows either, because they do track you there too.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
While I've provided an answer which allows installation without using the Store, just a note that I was able to sign out of the Store and yet still install the Ubuntu distribution in WSL.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
@user535733 Using and installing Ubuntu in WSL is on topic here as it is an official Canonical release. Please see [this Meta answer]( from Zanna (mod) -- *"We should not close questions just because they smell ... Windowsy."*
eg flag
@user535733 I was not searching an answer to "abuse" MS. But a way to install that software. It could have been a file to download directly on the Ubuntu website, but there is another official way (see the answer to the question)
vn flag

From the Downloading distributions section in the Install docs:

There are some scenarios in which you may not be able (or want) to, install WSL Linux distributions using the Microsoft Store.

Summary -- Just download the package from the link provided on that page, then Add-AppxPackage the resulting download:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile Ubuntu.appx -UseBasicParsing
Add-AppxPackage .\app_name.appx

or, from the GUI:

  • Download the Appx package from your browser.
  • Open the downloaded .appx file. Windows will will ask if you want to install it.

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