
Where should I save my files before making the install?

cn flag

Apologies for the perhaps silly question. Say that I have a tarball that doesn't come with a ./configuration script, if I download the file in the temp Download folder and then I make the make --install, will the file:

a) compiled and moved somewhere so that I can delete the temp folder b) compiled and linked to the temp folder?

Assuming b), what's the best location to move these applications? Thanks

cn flag

A complete tarball of source code typically can be unpacked anywhere. In the created folder, the compilation can be performed with normal user rights. The "install" command, which must be run as "root", will install the compiled binaries in the appropriate system locations.

Where and whether you keep the tarball or the extracted tarball is entirely up to you. You can organize this somewhere in your home folder as you see fit or remove them.

Andrea Moro avatar
cn flag
Thanks, so once the file is installed, I can safely delete the downloaded and extracted packages. Correct?
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Yes indeed, also added that you can remove them.
Andrea Moro avatar
cn flag
Do you have any advice for a "portable app". Specifically, I'm trying to see what should I do with the boxcryptor service. Apparently that has not a make install ... but a shell file that run the software from the unzipped file. Where is the best place to place that folder?
vanadium avatar
cn flag
That is a different question. Feel free to find an answer on this site, or, if not avaiable, open a new question.
Green绿色 avatar
ng flag
You can consider [this Wikipedia article]( If your application is only for one user you may put the executables into `$HOME/.local/bin`.

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