
Access a partition on a double partitioned drive

in flag

recently my pc BIOS was corrupted and i haven't been able to recover it. It had a dual boot system with the following config:

  • DISK 1, this is the disk that came with the notebook and has the windows OS files.
  • DISK 2, this is an NVME SSD that i used to boot the ubuntu system, plus an NFTS partition to share some data.

I tried to access the second disk data connecting it to another pc with ubuntu installed, but i can only access the NFTS partition. Is there a way to access the other partition?

Thanks in advance for any help!

pasman pasmański avatar
mx flag
Try gparted -> Attempt Data Rescue
darth_epoxy avatar
nl flag
So DISK 2 is a separate SSD with a power source and a USB connection?
yieniggu avatar
in flag
Disk 2 is a SSD connected to the second M2 slot in the notebook

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