
fsck on a zulucrypt volume

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When I had TrueCrypt, I could dismount my encrypted volume and run fsck on it as follows:

   sudo umount /media/veracrypt1             # dismount
   sudo veracrypt /dev/sdb --filesystem=none # open without mounting
   veracrypt -l &                            # pop up location box
   sudo fsck -f /dev/mapper/veracrypt1       # run fsck

Now I've updated to zuluCrypt and these commands don't work. I use zuluCrypt to mount my encrypted filesystem to my account with:

sudo zuluCrypt-cli -K $UID -o -d /dev/sdb -e rw -t vcrypt

I believe I can dismount the volume with "sudo umount /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-1000-NAAN-sdb-3058792502"

I think I can mount with no filesystem with sudo zuluCrypt-cli -O -d /dev/sdb -e rw -t vcrypt

But my attempts to find the location all fail. "zuluCrypt-cli -l" fails with "action" argument missing. "zuluCrypt-cli -L" appears to run, but returns nothing.

Trying to run fsck on /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-1000-NAAN-sdb-3058792502 also fails.

I have had trouble with corruption on this volume in the past, so I really want to be able to clean it with fsck.

Thanks for any help!

David avatar
cn flag
I have had trouble with corruption on this volume in the past, Your drive is failing it needs to be replaced.

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