
App/Tool to encapsulate a web page into like an independent app

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I'm looking for functionality equivalent to Electron apps, but I want to do it myself with any web page.

There is an equivalent app for Mac, called Unite:

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I've been using nativefier too, and I wanted to just add a little more instruction as to how to use it, guidance which I found through this video.

  • Make a folder where you'll want the apps to be kept in your home folder, e.g. ElectronApps.
  • navigate to that folder in terminal, cd ElectronApps
  • Assuming you're using x64 architecture, use the following to install the desired app, replacing the placeholders nativefier --name "DesiredAppNameHere" -p linux -a x64
  • Make the app executable by navigating into the app folder cd DesiredAppNameHere and run sudo chmod +x DesiredAppNameHere.
  • To add the app to the dashboard/launcher, you can use Main Menu. If you don't already know how to install and use that for this purpose, the same video I linked before includes guidance, but here it is again starting at the relevant part.
cn flag

I'd suggest nativefier. It is free and open-source. It depends on Node.js, and can be installed with npm install -g nativefier. Full installation instructions are on their GitHub README.

The usage is pretty simple, too. Just run nativefier "", and it will make it into an Electron app. You can also set the name and many other things manually, if you prefer. A list of all the options are on GitHub.


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