
Configure a desktop shortcut during live media ubuntu 20.04 customization

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Currently i'm creating a customized ubuntu 20.04 LTS to be booted from live media (USB).
i'm trying to create a desktop shortcuts i.e. for the shutdown command.
i prepared a .desktop file shutdown.desktop which include the following:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo shutdown -h now

and updated the access right also

chmod 777 -R home/<user>/Desktop/shutdown.desktop

also ran

gio set shutdown.desktop metadata::trusted true

when i test the generated live media, the file is available on the desktop but it's not executable.

When i display the context menu "allow launching" is not available.
from forums, i copied the file to /usr/share/applications then from there i copied it back to desktop by replacing the existing file. At this point the "allow launching" is displayed but the file is still not executable. When i click on "allow launching" and i double click the file, the command is executed.

Question How can i configure, during the creation of the live media, my file that execute the shutdown command?

P.S: the procedure used to work with ubuntu 18.04 LTS


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