
Failed Ubuntu Touch install on Oneplus 6

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My Oneplus 6 is unlocked and in Developer mode, TWRP was run and installed. Everything was ready to flash Touch. I am on a Macbook with Ubuntu installed so I downloaded the Ubuntu (deb) download. I ran the download and connected the 1+6 and everything looked good, 1+6 was recognized, and the install process appeared almost complete, and then I received an error. I retried 3 times and received the error. Finally, the phone seemed stuck on the screen saying the bootloader was unlocked yada yada. I finally was able to get the 1+6 back into FastBoot Mode. When I try to rerun the Ubports installer it does not recognize the 1+6. The phone is now showing the Product_Name - sdm845. The Installer identifies that as the device. I tried self-selecting Oneplus 6 and run install and it errors off right away saying device is not recognized. I can't seem to get anywhere with the phone. This is the error I receive: Error: adb:preparesystemimage: Error: {“error”:{“code”:1,”cmd”:”adb -P 5037 shell mkdir -p /cache/recovery”},”stderr”:”mkdir: ‘/cache/recovery’: Required key not available”}

David avatar
cn flag
Is Ubuntu Touch discontinued? Ubuntu Mobile Internet Device Edition is a discontinued Ubuntu distribution planned to run on the Intel Mobile Internet Device platform, x86 mobile computers based on the Intel Atom processor.
Bruni avatar
cn flag
Oneplus 6 is not on the list of supported devices of UBPorts. Therefore, you will have to port it and this is no trivial task.
us flag
This was resolved by using an older UbPorts installer (0.8.8) version.
us flag

Resolved: I had to remove the most current updated stabile installer and use an older version (0.8.8). The recommendation was made by another person and it worked!


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