
Suspend on Ubuntu 21.10 only works if I connect to a separate monitor via HDMI

eg flag

I'm pretty much new to Ubuntu so please be patient with me.. I recently updated to Ubuntu 21.10 from the previous Hirsute release I think it was. After updating, suspend does not seem to be working correctly. The screen will just glitch and show flickering white on top of a black screen. Locking does this too. Changing resolutions too or changing any other graphical settings.

This is the weird part: after connecting my laptop to a TV monitor through HDMI everything seems to be working fine! I can change the resolution from the default to 1440p or any other lower resolution that's supported. I noticed this error when I was playing a game connecting my laptop to HDMI, there was a sudden black-out and on the previous version of Ubuntu losing power would just switch the display back to my laptop but after that it glitched. Thought I should put that in here. Also, I use Lenovo Ideapad with AMD graphics.

vn flag
Kindly provide the output of `inxi -G` here. Also, which Display are you using: GNOME or KDE or something else?

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