
how to : systemd-resolve writes a bad resolv.conf doesn't read settings

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This problem is a blocking issue, it does prevent me from using my laptop and accessing internet.

Using Ubuntu 20.04.3 latest update Oct 19th

After the one but last update oct 10th suddenly I had a problem resolving DNS. Before the update my /etc/resolv.conf read :


In my netmanager settings I had/have entered 2 DNS-Server IP adresses of my ISP :

the result of command

$ ls -al /etc/resolv.conf

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 okt 13 14:10 /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf

So I did

$ sudo rm -f /etc/resolv.conf

$ sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Only to find it didn't change anything : the content of new /etc/resolv.conf after restarting the systemd-resolve service still reads

nameserver ::1

I managed to complete the updates by repeatedly saving manually an /etc/resolv.conf file and overwriting the file written by the systemd-resolve service (workaround). to make certain that people don't doubt my capacity to read : I DO understand the warning at the top of the file saying that the file is overwritten regularly.

I manage to maintain a "usable connection" by regularly overwriting the file /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf,



until i restart the systemd-resolve service and the file is overwritten by resolve and it reverts to

nameserver ::1

I also checked the /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf file which has the following content

options edns0 trust-ad

My question is :

A- How can I make sure that the resolve service writes the correct file content in /etc/resolv.conf = I do understand that this is a sym-link

B- Where is the parameter file that systemd-resolve uses to produce /etc/resolv.conf and /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, because it sure doesn't read the configuration entered in netmanager settings

waltinator avatar
it flag
`/etc/resolv.conf` is managed (part of "`systemd` takes over the world") and shouldn't be edited by the user. Let your `/etc/resolv.conf` remain as `nameserver` and read `systemd-dnsmasq dnsmasq`.
chili555 avatar
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Please edit your question to show the result of the terminal command: `ls -al /etc/resolv.conf`
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@waltinator you misread *before* the update my /etc/resolv.conf was nameserver 127.0.053 after the update after the update it read nameserver ::1 Please explain what you mean by " read systemd-dnsmasq dnsmasq "
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 the result of conmmand ls -al /etc/resolv.conf is nameserver ::1
chili555 avatar
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I think you misread or mis-typed the command. Please try again.
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 okt 13 14:10 /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf content of /etc/resolv.conf === # This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit. nameserver ::1 === end of content I cut all the comment lines the only active line in /etc/resolve.conf
chili555 avatar
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Are there any interesting clues or errors if you do: `sudo service systemd-resolved restart` What is the result of: `systemd-resolve --status | grep 'DNS Servers' -A2`
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 no error or return from restart the status command returns > DNS Servers: : : 1 > DNS Domain: ~.
waltinator avatar
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Read the results of typing `man systemd-resolve systemd`. Sorry for my mindo (like a typo, but in the mind, not the fingers).
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@waltinator the man systemd-resolve systemd doesn provide any indactaion on how I tell the systemd-resolve service the IP adresses of the DNS servers of my ISP
waltinator avatar
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Read `man systemd-dnsmasq systemd-dnsmasq.conf dnsmasq.conf`. `dnsmasq` is a forwarding DNS resolver, running on the localhost at ``. All of the `127.*.*.*` IP addresses belong to localhost.
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@waltinator I've read DSMASQ man pages, I could do option -2 no DHCP and put my DNS servers in a dnsmasq config file , however according to the man pages in need to put << nameserver >> in resolv.conf , which gets overwritten with <<nameserver ::1 >> which doesn't work
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 no error or return from restart of the resolve service; the status you asked for returns 2 lines with follwing content << DNS Servers: : : 1 ; DNS Domain: ~. >>
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 and what is the solution you propose? , what did you learn form the command?
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@waltinator , now that I read the manual for resolve and dnsmasq , what solution should i find there ? what is your solution ?
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@chili555 Thanks for the comments without providing an answer or solution you have not been of tangible help
Derek Giroulle avatar
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@waltinator Thanks for the comments without providing an answer or solution you have not been of tangible help
chili555 avatar
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Correct. I regret that I am unable to solve every question ever posted but I am not. Sorry.
waltinator avatar
it flag
`::1` is the IPv6 address of `localhost`. Have you mistakenly enabled IPv6?

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