
Problems in logging into Launchpad and Ubuntu One

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I can't log into Ubuntu One because of my Launchpad account, which I don't remember. So how can I straighten out this validation mess? Really, I just want to use Pastebin.

I seem to be caught in some kind of validation loop. If I try to reset my password, I'm told that I already have a Launchpad account after I go through the reset-password loop yet again.

ChanganAuto avatar
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If you remember at least the email you can ask for a password reset. If not even that then register a new account.
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DoI set the password for Ubuntu One or for Launchpad? They seem to be related, but I don't understand how they are related.
ChanganAuto avatar
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Same account (Ubuntu SSO)

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.