
Skipping acquire of configured file ' focal-pgdg InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'

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I have recently installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and I am a bit fresh user for ubuntu. after installing postgresql 14, and I ran sudo apt update. Then it says

N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' focal-pgdg InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'

Already tested /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list changed from

# deb focal-pgdg main


# deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main

but still the message shows up

picalin avatar
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UPDATE: Solved! The file was like this `deb focal-pgdg main # deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main` then I changed to `deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main # deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main` Then it worked!
Nmath avatar
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karel avatar
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Does this answer your question? [Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'xxx' doesn't support architecture 'i386'](
ar flag

The file was like this

deb focal-pgdg main
# deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main

then I changed

deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main 
# deb [arch=amd64] focal-pgdg main

then it worked. It seems it is important to add [arch=amd64] and put "s" in https


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