
/bin/sh:1:icoFoam:not found

cn flag

I have installed openfoam software from dockerfile with using ubuntu 18.04 as base image and used CMD command to check the execution of the software. The software command works perfectly from inside the container.

Firstly, I had used RUN sh -c command to install the software and also to source it as RUN sh -c 'echo "source /opt/openfoam5/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc' .

The CMD command inside dockerfile is CMD icoFoam .

icoFoam command is executable and executes perfectly from inside the container. Openfoam is designed in such a way so that every command of its will execute from terminal. For ref: Openfoam_running_applications

Since, the error was showing /bin/sh:icoFoam not found after running Dockerfile, I gave the RUN command as described in this link: Error: /bin/sh not found - Super user, as

RUN /bin/bash -c .

But, the error still persists as /bin/sh:1:icoFoam not found . Based on this, any work around needs to be done?

cn flag
Sorry I have written it wrongly in the description. I gave given the same command as you have mentioned. But the error is same. @bac0n

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