
How can I install the newest pan newsreader 0.147?

cn flag

Pan is as old as the internet almost, it is the only standalone newsreader client that runs on Linux that I can get to work, too many require a web browser. It was not maintained for a long time until now. However I had problems installing it with gmime 2.x dependencies.

configure: error: Package requirements (gmime-2.6 >= 2.6.20) were not met: 
cn flag

there is (ironically not a usenet group) an email support list here

[email protected]

get pan source from

you might need , but probably not

./configure --with-gmime30 
sudo make install   

they have fixed the error with 0.146 that made a mess out of the saved parts with ERRORS

another alternative suggested is

./configure --with-gnutls
andrew.46 avatar
in flag
You should find support on the group
pierrely avatar
cn flag
ha, tried that and pan crashed, not handling previous newsgroup data well... could just be a quirk here.. still I am glad for unrar titled newsgroup posts to work properly, though many forget what a par file is for. also having problems with secure nntp server , and will work on that. there is always stunnel, another last millenium tool. I use a vpn in any case.
pierrely avatar
cn flag
if anyone else has an issue with a download saving files with convoluted names , I sort by date, rename the first to a <name>.rar then use krusader's krename to rename to <name> and extention to r##{0}, there is a mouse hover help popup in the ext field. that explains that
pierrely avatar
cn flag
@andrew, the last single post to that newsgroup ujs 2017 and then years before that. there is a new 0.148 version out now, just announced, that does not require the --config option.
pierrely avatar
cn flag
right you are, downloading the group now, not crashing. 127,000 posts in that group since the beginning of time, no since 2003. the future is the past.

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.