
How to cut a file in this way?

us flag

I have to cut a long file (approx. 2 millions of lines) at the line that follows the line at which there is the last appearance of a word.

For example the file could be:

line 1
line 2 
line n
line n+2

This file should be cut at the second appearance of word, so the lines following line n+2 (and that line too) should be dropped.

The problem is that I do not know in advance the number of times word appears in the file.

bac0n avatar
cn flag
`IFS=: read a _ < <(grep -wn 'word' text.txt | tail -1) && head -n $a text.txt`
us flag
@bac0n Thanks that did the trick
Zanna avatar
kr flag
@bac0n you seem to have written your answer in the comments section by mistake
cn flag

Assuming that "word" or the marker text does not appear in any of the lines preceding the second "word" then this should do the job:

awk '{if($0!="word"){print} else {c=c+1;{print} if(c==2){exit}}}' in-file > out-file

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