
how to increase swap partition size and what is the min size

th flag

i have 8 GB RAM and for swap partition it is just 2 GB . I installed ubuntu 20.4 in my pc can i increase the swap partition to avoid pc bloking because it s 100% full all the time and the ram memory it's often used 80%

ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Increasing RAM should be the priority, obviously, but increasing swap helps. If you really have a swap partition instead of a swapfile then you need to boot a live session, swapoff, remove the swap partition, eventually shrink some other partitions to make room, create a new swap partition of let's say 8GB and edit fstab to include the new one.
oldfred avatar
cn flag
Linux caches applications in RAM, so that it is used is a good thing. Larger swap will not make any difference. You do not want swap used. If system is using swap then more RAM would be suggested. & Linux ate my RAM! - memory use cache
heynnema avatar
ru flag
Do you use a /swapfile or an actual disk partition? Edit your question and show me `swapon -s` and `free -h` and `grep -i swap /etc/fstab`. Start comments to me with @heynnema or I'll miss them.

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