
Looking for the perf monitoring tools, on Ubuntu 20.04.3, but on kernel 5.13.0-1017-oem

za flag

So I'm looking for a way to use the perf monitoring tool but I'm on a non-standard configuration. Currently I'm using an OEM 5.13 kernel from Ubuntu on Fossa 20.04.3.

Normally one would install linux-tools-common & linux-tools-generic with a probable inclusion of the linux-hwe-[kernel version]-tools-common package. Unfortunately all I see are packages for kernels 5.4, 5.8, and 5.11.

My previous kernel was 5.10 which has the same problem, since associated packages for kernel-specific tooling doesn't appear available in the Fossa repos. Am I out of luck?

kz flag
try: sudo apt-get install linux-tools-5.13.0-1019-oem

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