
Regex to match lines that access a certain port and particular packets

in flag

New to Linux and the only way I can get this to work is by using the awk command unfortunately the main directions specify to not use awk.

this is what I got

#comment Write a single RegEx to match the lines that access port 22 and only those packets
grep '\s22\s' hw0206.txt | awk {'print $4'}
#comment grep returns the whole line with matched string
#comment \s22\s regular expression to match any string containing 22 preceded or succeeded by white space


Write a single RegEx to match the lines that access port 22 and only those packets, and then return the IP address

Input file (hw0206.txt) Expected output of script
date time protocol ip-address port packet-size
2022-02-21 19:22:19 TCP 22 24
2018-22-22 02:25:12 UDP 2135 222
2200-05-22 22:26:22 UDP 2160 22
2012-22-20 15:43:22 TCP 22 122
1228-02-10 02:22:02 UDP 2089 22 
date time protocol ip-address port packet-size
2022-02-21 19:22:19 TCP 22 24
2018-22-22 02:25:12 UDP 2135 222
2200-05-22 22:26:22 UDP 2160 22
2012-22-20 15:43:22 TCP 23 122
1228-02-10 02:22:02 TCP 22 22
2100-05-25 21:26:22 UDP 2122 22
Greenonline avatar
us flag
Is this homework?
CryptoTrader avatar
in flag
no, self paced tutorial. trying to teach myself
cn flag

With positive lookahead, you can match something that should not be part of the result:

grep -Po '(\d+\.){3}\d+(?=\s22\s)' hw0206.txt

In this case, I would prefer awk which gives a more readable solution:

awk '$5 == 22 {print $4}' hw0206.txt

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