
Iptables block ping from another ip

cn flag

I am a beginner in the field could you help me please

me :

user1 :

user2 :

I would like to block ping from user1 to user2 using iptables from my ip

So I made this: iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p icmp -s -d -j DROP

But it doesn't work, in fact I don't even know if it's really possible to block ping from another ip.

thank you for helping me

viktor spett avatar
cn flag
I am sure, there are more qualified people to answer this question, but why don't you block ping in iptables on user 2 ( Maybe it would help to know what devices these actually are and why you need it to be "unpingable"?
user535733 avatar
cn flag
It's unclear why each user has a different IP address. That's not generally how Ubuntu works. Perhaps there is an element to the question that is missing? Or is each user on a different machine?
RHT9855 avatar
cn flag
yes its a different machine
Doug Smythies avatar
gn flag
What you are attempting to do is not possible.

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