
Save name and MAC ADRESS of all visible bluetooth device to array

us flag

I want to save name and mac adress of all bluetooth device to two arrays after run this command bt-device -l: 1

The result should like this :

 MAC_ADDRESS=["Mac_address1" , "Mac_address2"]

Please help me! I'm using ubuntu 20.04 , working with bash script.

Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Please don't post pictures of text.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
This resembles a homework problem.
thinh2k1310 avatar
us flag
I'm going to build a device controller. I'm learning bash script myself. It's not a homework.
cn flag

Since you used picture I had to create a file to store your output

$ cat btdev 
Thinh (38:89:2C:4D:CF:B3)
LG-PN1(CB) (AC:B1:EE:35:AB:CB)

We now need to separate the columns, then read each column into an array. These commands create two files each containing one of the columns:

$ cat btdev | tr ' ' '\t' | cut -f1 > devices
$ cat btdev | tr ' ' '\t' | cut -f2 > macs

(For field operation, the cut command expects TABs and not spaces)

Now we can populate the arrays:

$ readarray -t NAME <  devices 
$ readarray -t MAC-ADDRESS <  macs

Check the arrays:

$ echo ${NAME[0]}
$ echo ${NAME[1]}
$ echo ${MAC_ADDRESS[0]}
$ echo ${MAC_ADDRESS[1]}

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