
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Battery Indicator

vg flag

For the past week I have noticed that when I bring my laptop (Lenovo Thinkpad T420) out of sleep mode I am missing the battery indicator.

I have used the following command to try to alleviate the problem:

setsid gnome-shell --replace

All of this with no success. Instead I get a message "Something went wrong" and proceed to log out - only to log in and begin my session all over again. About 2/3 of the time I have to reboot just to get the battery indicator back.

Is there an easier way to correct this issue that will not involve rebooting?

vg flag

After some more intense Googling I discovered the following command:

systemctl restart upower

I replicated the issue again by putting laptop into sleep mode and then executed the command after resuming from sleep and this resolved the issue.


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