
How do I install Linux studio plugins?

cn flag

Can anyone help me install LSP in the latest version of Ubuntu. Apt get can’t locate the files.

Liso avatar
sd flag
They're there, not sure what you try to do.
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
Thanks, apt get came back negative
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
I really want to dump this latest version of Ubuntu, its terrible
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
I actually had all the LSP plugins then I upgraded and now theyre gone, how did that happen?
Liso avatar
sd flag
Can you include relevant error line? Help us help you.
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
Thanks, Im just gonna go back to 21.04, this new version woudnt let me install Chrome from the software store, I had to use the command line, same with Spotify
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
E: Unable to locate package linux-plugins
ChanganAuto avatar
us flag
Going back to an about to be out of support release is a huge mistake. The package you want exists for the latest release as well in the universe repository. **Make sure you have universe enabled**. Check Software & Updates.
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
I cant seem to locate it,
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
I was just getting good with the command line too, lol
Liso avatar
sd flag
I think it was `lsp-plugins`, have you try installing that ? `sudo apt install lsp-plugins`>
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
Thanks Sir, Ill give it a try
Cmp1 avatar
cn flag
That did it, Thanks so much.

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