
Linksys WUSB6400M wifi USB not working at Kubuntu

in flag

I'm using a Linksys WUSB6400M adapter and commend line show me this

Bus 001 Device 008: ID 13b1:0043 Linksys WUSB6400M

So, i have a windows and it works with it, but i want to work with Kubuntu too as well.

I tried with a lot of solution from google but no good result. my WiFi still not working on Kubuntu.

Update 1:

after i put this in terminal sudo ./

i got this output:

Running version 20210917
Starting installation...
Copying source files to: /usr/src/rtl88x2bu-
Copying 88x2bu.conf to: /etc/modprobe.d

Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/rtl88x2bu/ ->

DKMS: add completed.

Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel.  Skipping...

Building module:
cleaning build area...
'make' -j16 KVER=5.13.0-21-generic KSRC=/lib/modules/5.13.0-21-generic/build...(bad exit status: 2)
ERROR (dkms apport): binary package for rtl88x2bu: not found
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.13.0-21-generic (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/rtl88x2bu/ for more information.
An error occurred. dkms build error = 10
Please report this error.

sorry for my English.


chili555 avatar
cn flag
Welcome to Ask Ubuntu.
cn flag

The driver for your device is 88x2bu. Let’s build it.

With a working internet connection by ethernet, tethering or whatever means possible, open a terminal and do:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git dkms build-essential
git clone
cd 88x2bu
sudo ./ 

Reboot. Your wireless should now be working.

MrAziz2000 avatar
in flag
Thanks, i still have error and not working. i write update 1 with output you can see above.
chili555 avatar
cn flag
It suggests that you consult the log so please run: `cat /var/lib/dkms/rtl88x2bu/` Paste the lengthy result here and give us th link:
MrAziz2000 avatar
in flag
Just good a news, I reinstalled Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu and this Wireless drive works with it perfect. Thank you so much.
se flag
@ chilli555 I ran the commands and I rebooted twice and it worked for the WUSB6300 on my repurposed HP Desktop, previously Win Vista! I have trouble recognizing the components and compatibility, but I am OCD, I will get it eventially. Thank you so much. I did not know to cd into where? and lots more I don't yet comprehend. Koodos to you guys>

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