
PC goes to splash screen at startup because of GRUB setting

vn flag

I made the following change in the grub file /etc/default/grub:


Now, the my pc goes to the splash screen automatically on startup. How can I boot into Ubuntu?

eg flag

You still have the USB-stick/DVD that you used to install Ubuntu? Boot from this media. Than navigate to '


and change DEFAULT=2 back into DEFAULT=0.

That should get things back to function again.

You can also use a USB-stick/DVD with e.g. AIO-SRT or Ikki-boot, but changing back the default-setting is imo the best solution.

Admia avatar
vn flag
I booted from USB and changed ``DEFAULT=2`` back to ``DEFAULT=0``. But still have the same issue. I don't know whether issuing ``update-grub2`` is required.
Admia avatar
vn flag
I resintalled the Ubuntu

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