
Touch Monitor gesture control management with Windows in a VM

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We are a small volunteer run Museum with two touch monitors for public use with our own applications. However we are having to disable the touchscreens (Dell and Viewsonic) as there is no way to turn off gesture control but leave a left mouse click with the Windows software we must use. We are using a mouse with all controls except left click turned off, and that has worked fairly well.(There is no Ubuntu equivalent with the navigational functionality (Touch sensitive areas and scrolling text boxes ) we need, also easy for our volunteers to build without code, that I am aware of.) Visitors break the touch navigation and the system stops if they accidentally zoom with gestures.These are application not browser based tools.

My plan is to thus run Ubuntu, with gesture control disabled, and then run our Windows software inside a VM, hoping I can then only send mouse left clicks from the touch screen to the Windows VM. As a bit of a newbie this will take a long time for me to set up, so before I did that I wanted to test if this is a reasonable plan. It is a bit of a workaround but will be transformational for us if it works.


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