
What's the difference between Unmaximize and UnmaximizeFull in Openbox?

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The window manager Openbox (which is, for example, used by Lubuntu 20.04) allows us to define custom key bindings with desired actions. One such action is "Unmaximize" (as covered in the documentation). A couple of sources present examples using an action called "UnmaximizeFull" (e.g., here, there, and also on the openbox website itself). However, that action is not documented. So, does anybody know the difference between "Unmaximize" and "UnmaximizeFull"?

I tought, that maybe "UnmaximizeFull" is an alias for "Unmaximize" with the direction option set to "both", but that would be redundant since "both" is the default value anyway.

Other ideas?


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