
Escape code sequence for copying file content

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I found from here that you can use ANSCI Escape sequence to copy from a remote ssh session like so,

printf "\033]52;c;$(printf "%s" "blabla" | base64)\a"

I have tried issuing command,

$ (; printf "\033]52;c;$(base64 $file)\a")

But I am able to print only the first few characters (~57 characters). Is there a way to copy the whole content of a file with the Escape sequence?

cocomac avatar
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Is there a reason you are not just [using `scp` to copy the files](
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It would be more convenient since I am usually in an interactive session.
bac0n avatar
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you are missing the %s specifier on the first `printf`
cocomac avatar
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Also see [this answer]( It looks like it does what you want, and looks far easier @bac0n Mind posting that like an answer? It looks like it would be a good one!
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If you want the output printed to the clipboard you may use xclip

xclip -sel -p -i < <( \
 printf %s%s%s '\033]52;c;' "$(printf %s blabla | base64)" '\a' \
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The downside is that the ssh server does not have X Window running.
bac0n avatar
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@phoxd but your client does?
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Well, I am trying copy from a remote server. No point to run on my local machine.

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