
What does the "DRI_PRIME=2 program-name" command do?

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I use DRI_PRIME=1 program-name for running a program via discrete GPU on a notebook computer.

DRI_PRIME=0 program-name and DRI_PRIME=2 program-name gives the same result: program is run via integrated GPU.

Does the following command has any different effects on different systems (for example on 3 GPU installed desktop computers)?

DRI_PRIME=2 program-name
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
I never heard about 3-gpu switchable graphics. It makes no sense. So this does nothing.
cn flag
Does ```DRI_PRIME=0 program-name``` command cause problems on single GPU installed computers (notebook and desktop)?
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
No, it doesn't. `DRI_PRIME` is a variable, nothing else. And it is 0 by default anyway ;-)

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