
Gnome tweaks icons won't change (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)

gd flag

When I change my icons using Gnome tweaks nothing changes, even with icons already shown in the drop down. I have installed icons using the pling website as well as manually extracting the icons packs into .icons. I have tried restarting and alt+f2 & r with no luck. Im not understanding why the icons are not changing, any advice?

kanehekili avatar
zw flag
I assume you meant "pling" - the website. Have you tried to copy the icons into `usr/share/icons`? (use sudo)
gd flag
You would be correct, and what would the command be to move the file to that location? I'm fairly new to Linux and able to move around in the terminal but still learning to move folders and files.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
Please "edit" your question and correct your typo. Also indicate that "pling" is a website - not everyone will be familiar with that.
gd flag
Not a problem, my question has been updated to fix the typo and clarified pling.

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