
How to speed up neofetch? Alternatives or neofetch caching

cn flag

I've configured my terminal in a such a way that it runs neofetch when opened. However, there is now, a 200ms (approx.) delay before i can start typing.

Are there any faster alternatives to neofetch or is it possible to cache neofetch's output periodically?

cocomac avatar
cn flag
Take a look at [this Reddit discussion]( that explains why `neofetch` is slow, and how to speed it up.
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Instead of having it show in every terminal, I would bind it to a shortcut key, for instance having Ctrl+N run Neofetch. The syntax is a little special though: `bind '"\C-n"':"\"neofetch\C-m\""`
us flag
@cocomac That fix seems to be rpm specific, and won't work in Ubuntu.
us flag
If you cache, then you won't get the correct value of uptime. If you really want to cache, then rather copy the output, remove the bits about no. of packages and uptime, and print that static output in .bashrc. You can change the output when you modify the hardware.
de flag

On Ubuntu, you can comment out information about the number of packages in $HOME/.config/neofetch/config.conf (or for some specific case, in /etc/neofetch/config.conf) like this :

#    info "Packages" packages
mchid avatar
bo flag
Check `dpkg -L neofetch` for the system wide or default location. On 18.04, it should be in `/etc/neofetch/neofetch.conf`
Someone avatar
my flag
Neofetch configuration is not stored in `/etc` as far as I can see.
SebMa avatar
de flag
@Someone The location of the `.../neofetch/config.conf` configuration file can change. It depends on how you installed `neofetch`. Did you install `neofetch` via a package manager or manually ?
Someone avatar
my flag
`sudo apt install neofetch`. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
SebMa avatar
de flag
@Someone My bad, I have two different ubuntu systems with one I installed neofetch from a previous Launchpad PPA. For a normal Ubuntu, the `neofetch` config file must be in `$HOME/.config/neofetch/config.conf`

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