
How can I generate a number start with 1 and only has 10 digit bash script

ng flag

How can I generate all the numbers that start with 1 and have 10 digits?

For example: start with: 1000000000 ... end with: 1999999999

And how to save the result in a text file?

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Does this answer your question? [How to get a random number within a range in command line?](
Abdalaziz Alharthi avatar
ng flag
Hi Artur Meinild, no start with number 1 only and have 10 digits
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
... "start with number 1 only and have 10 digits" - sorry, this doesn't make sense to me.
Abdalaziz Alharthi avatar
ng flag
haha I mean for example : 1000000000 1100000000 ... 1111111111 , 1011111111 and end with 1999999999
cn flag

Your question is unclear.

If you're looking to generate a random(-ish) number:

for i in {1..9}; do num+=$((RANDOM % 10)); done
echo "$num" > text.file

If you want the billion numbers from 1,000,000,000 to 1,999,999,999

for ((i = 1000000000; i <= 1999999999; i++)); do
    echo "$i"
done > text.file

As suggested by @bac0n

seq 1000000000 1999999999 > text.file
Abdalaziz Alharthi avatar
ng flag
This is exactly what I want many thanks.
cn flag
I'm still curious: _which_ did you want?
Abdalaziz Alharthi avatar
ng flag
I wanted all numbers between 1000000000 to 19999999999. :)

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