
How to find source of desktop notification in ubuntu?

kr flag

I find desktop notifications useful, as information from number of services gets pushed right in front of my face. However recently I must have installed something unwanted, because these began to appear regularly:

notification that reeks

another notification

Thing is, I don't even have antivirus installed and the notification annoys me at this point. I want to pinpoint its source and delete it. I tried searching /var/log/*log files for phrase 'notify-send', but it yielded nothing.
My os is Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

cn flag
"Thing is, I don't even have antivirus installed" I would claim you do... and it is named Norton :-) So,... start with a search in Ubuntu Software for Norton and see it it is installed. You might have installed it as a bundled software from some other software. You should also check browser extensions.
Suspended avatar
kr flag
Good idea! I checked and found nothing but I do appreciate it :)
Organic Marble avatar
us flag
Have you turned on or accepted notifications from some website in Google Chrome? A family member was getting popups and it turned out to be that. I don't use Chrome and it took me a long time to figure it out.
Suspended avatar
kr flag
Now that you mentioned it, I think I might have. I checked extensions though and didn't see anything suspicious there. I'll try to find browser log if there is one... Any ideas guys? I truly believed it was going to be in system log. Imagine my disappointment :D
nobody avatar
gh flag
Maybe ubuntu WSL ?

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