Ubuntu 20.04.3LTS. Chromium 96.0.4664.45. Sorry if this has been asked before, from my searches it looks like most people who have asked questions have the opposite of my problem.
I'm not trying to use a VPN, but I'm using one. In my network settings, VPN is listed as Not Set Up and Network Proxy is off:
Network Settings
...but WhatsMyProxy seems to indicate that I am indeed running a VPN, and according to the rest of the world, I'm located in Germany. (I'm in Akron, Ohio.)
Hello from Frankfurt!
This is causing me to not be able to log in to a number of sites, most notably that of my ISP. As a result, I'd like to remove what I assume is a third-party VPN... but I have no idea what it's called. App Grid doesn't show me anything VPNish, and sudo apt list --installed | grep vpn returns an empty string. (Figuring it might be OpenVPN, which seems to be everyone's favorite, I tried that with "grep open" as well. I probably should have thought about it first. Suffice to say, after filtering through half my installed software, I still came up with nothing that looks correct.) This laptop really isn't beefy enough to run the Software app, and thus when I head over there and search on "vpn" to see if anything shows up that isn't covered by App Grid, or when I click Installed", I get a never-ending spinning circle. (Considering switching to Lubuntu, which I have used successfully in the past, but haven't gotten there yet on this machine.)
So I guess my tl;dr question is: is there any sort of alternate method for determining what VPN a machine is using when the machine itself is telling you it doesn't have a VPN configured?