
Delete a file if multiple conditions are met

ma flag

What I need

I have an existing script that pulls port information for domains and stores it into a text file called portscan.txt. Example:

portscan.txt file:

I want to delete the information only if certain conditions are met. These conditions include:

  • The file with the domains should have 2 or less lines
  • The ports should only be 80 or 443 (i.e., I don't want to delete the file if 8080, 8443, or any other port exists in the file).

Note: So basically, the example file provided above should be deleted, but I do not want to delete the file if there are 2 lines, but the ports are 8080 or 8443 (or any other port for that matter) Example like so:

This should not be deleted.

What I tried

I attempted scripting this out and here's what I have:


lines=$(cat portscan.txt | wc -l)
ports=$(cat portscan.txt | grep -Pv '(^|[^0-9])(80|443)($|[^0-9])')

if [[ $lines < 3 ]] && [[ $ports != 80 ]]; then
    if [[ $ports != 443 ]]; then
        echo "I need to delete this"
    echo "I will NOT delete this..."

This is the second rendering of the script, I attempted nested if statements because I was unable to do a condition like this:

IF portscan.txt is less than two lines AND the ports are NOT 80 OR 443

I also attempted this in a much simpler manner like so:


lines=$(cat portscan.txt | wc -l)
ports=$(cat portscan.txt | grep -Pv '(^|[^0-9])(80|443)($|[^0-9])')

if [[ $lines < 3 ]] && (( $ports != 80||443 )); then
    echo "I need to delete this"
    echo "I will NOT delete this..."

I have tried the (( because I read that this is better to be used with arithmetic functions -- which is what I thought I needed, but I'm not as bash savvy with conditional arguments when it should be like: "This and that or that".

Hopefully this makes sense, any help would be greatly appreciated!

cn flag
checkfile() {
    awk '
        BEGIN {
            FS = ":"
            status = 1
            ports[80] = 1
            ports[443] = 1
        NR == 3 || !($2 in ports) {status = 0; exit}
        END {exit status}
    ' "$1"

checkfile "$file" || echo rm -- "$file"

That awk command will exit with status 0 if the file has a 3rd line, or if it sees a "non-standard" port.

If the function returns non-zero (the file has <= 2 lines and only "standard" ports), then the rm command is printed.

Remove echo if the results look right.


checkfile() {
    # if more than 2 lines, keep the file
    (( $(wc -l < "$1") > 2 )) && return 0

    # if a "non-standard" port exists, keep the file
    grep -qv -e ':80$' -e ':443$' "$1" && return 0

    # delete the file
    return 1

or, more tersely

checkfile() {
    (( $(wc -l < "$1") > 2 )) || grep -qv -e ':80$' -e ':443$' "$1"
Justin Washek avatar
ma flag
Awesome, this did the trick, thank you so much!
ph flag

Ok, try this

[~/my_learning/lint]$ cat file.txt
[~/my_learning/lint]$ cat file_dont_delete.txt

[~/my_learning/lint]$ for file in file.txt file_dont_delete.txt
num_of_lines=$(wc -l $file| xargs | awk '{print $1}')
port_scan=$(awk -F':' '{ if (($2 == "443") || ($2 == "80")) print "matched" }' $file | wc -l | xargs)
if [ $num_of_lines -le 2 ] && [ $num_of_lines -eq $port_scan ] ; then
echo "$file can be deleted"
echo "$file can't be deleted"

# Output
file.txt can be deleted
file_dont_delete.txt can't be deleted

I follow the below conditions

  • number of lines 2 or less than or 2.
  • and for each line, I used awk to extract field 2 which is a port and check if it is either 80 or 443, and on any, I am printing matching.
  • Then I am counting how many matching occurred.
  • As per your description, even a single port that is not from 80 or 443 is presented, then I shouldn't delete the file.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity of writing the shell code.

cn flag

Solution based on mapfile:


shopt -s extglob

mapfile -tn3 a < $1
[[ ${#a[@]} -lt 3 ]] && { \
[[ ${#a[@]} -gt 0 && ${a[@]/%:@(80|443)} =~ :[0-9]+ ]] || echo rm -v -- $1; }
cn flag

Pure bash solution, wrapped in a function and easy to read:


possiblyDeleteFile() {
    local count=0
    local rLine port
    local otherPort=false
    while IFS= read -r -d'' rLine; do
        if [ "$port" != 80 ] && [ "$port" != 443 ]; then
    done < "$1"
    if [ $count -le 2 ] && ! $otherPort; then
        echo "Deleting file $1"
        rm -- "$1"

possiblyDeleteFile "$1"
minnmass avatar
in flag
I may be missing something, I don't see how this handles the "2 or less" rule - if there are 3 lines that all have port 80, `count` won't be incremented, so the file won't be deleted.
rexkogitans avatar
cn flag
@minnmass Thank you, I did not get the question right. I fixed it.
in flag

To do numeric comparisons in bash you need to use -gt, -lt, etc. The < symbol is for stdin redirection.

You can either enclose the line number comparison in (( )) like you did for the port, or use -lt See

hr flag
`<` is stdin redirection inside *single* test brackets `[ ... ]`; inside `[[ ... ]]` as used by the OP it's a lexicographical comparison operator. See for example [Conditional Constructs](

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