
I want to remove 3.28.tar.bz2 file and install 3.30.tar.bz2 file, how can I do that?

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I am using Ubuntu WSL on windows 10 latest version and maybe I installed an older version of tar.bz2 file by using the command:

tar xvjf ns-allinone-3.28.tar.bz2

I got a build error during this process. Can someone please tell me how can I remove this 3.28.tar.bz2 file? So that I can install 3.30.tar.bz2 file.

Thank you.

ChanganAuto avatar
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It's just a file that your downloaded (wget) and then extracted (tar). If it didn't compile then nothing was installed. You can remove the downloaded file as well as any and all the extracted files like any other files (I'm assuming you know how to?). Really, this question sounds nonsensical.
jainam sheth avatar
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This is the first time I am doing this so I have no idea. Also, all the beginners ask nonsensical questions to learn I guess. Anyways, thanks for the help. And also, please tell me how to remove these downloaded files if you don't mind.
jainam sheth avatar
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Also, it complied a lot of other things after I used that command and then I received an error stating 'build failed'. Will I be able to remove that complied files?
ChanganAuto avatar
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If you were using a (graphical) file manager I think all this would be crystal clear. But if only commands are available then you musty learn commands before doing what you want: <- Starting in "Download Files Via The Command Line On Linux" you'll find the command you initially used (wget) and further down you'll learn how to navigate to folders and also remove files.
ChanganAuto avatar
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Again, if "build failed" nothing was installed. You can and should remove the (probably) extracted folder where you gave the (probably) `make` command including all files inside. In a GUI you'd be selecting it all and pressing Delete.
ChanganAuto avatar
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Useful commands are: `cd` to navigate to folder; `ls` lists the folder contents (files and subfolders); `rm` deletes a given file or empty folder.
jainam sheth avatar
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Okay do I write "apt autoremove" in that directory or use the purge command like "apt remove --purge appname"? Please also tell me the appname in this case. It will be much appreciated.
ChanganAuto avatar
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No. `apt`is ONLY for packages installed from online repositories. What you have is just files that should be dealt with like any other files. For the 3rd time, NOTHING was installed.
jainam sheth avatar
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Alright, thank you very much.

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