
kill app in a given timeframe, bash script

us flag

I'm new at bash and I am trying to make this, here is a pseudo code:

id= "pidof rhytmbox" (rhytmbox changes pid everytime i start it)

echo "Input time: "
read time

sleep $time
kill $pid

can you assist me?

us flag
pid=$(pidof rhythmbox)
echo $pid

echo "Enter time: "
read time
sleep $time
kill $pid

This one worked!

om flag

I'll provide some hints.

Bash has some ways to assign the output of a command to a variable.

pid=$(pidof top)
pid=`pidof top` 

For the rest you're basically on the right track. You should probably validate that the user is in fact entering a integer, and not some other text such as half an hour.

John Boro avatar
us flag
thank you --- pid=$(pidof rhythmbox) echo $pid echo "Enter time: " read time sleep $time kill $pid
vidarlo avatar
om flag
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cn flag

If you intend to run your command with a time limit you can make use of timeout:


read -r -p \
    "Input time in minutes: " duration

[[ ! $duration =~ [^0-9] ]] && \
    timeout ${duration}m setsid rhytmbox &>/dev/null &

read has a prompt option which is shown before attempting to read an input. You can use a regex statement to ensure user input only contain digits. Now, I usually want to put long-running application in the background in case I close the terminal, you can accomplish this with setsid command &


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