
How can I change the timezone in which a cron job is executed?

cn flag

I want to change the timezone in which the cron jobs are executed but keep the rest of the system's default timezone. Is this possible?

I read this article

but I think this doesn't affect when the job is executed. It just specifies which timezone should be used by the process once launched by cron

waltinator avatar
it flag
This sounds like an XY problem. Why can't you edit the crontab and change the times there?
nicholas avatar
cn flag
I can't. It's hard to give you context for that. My task is to change the cron jobs timezone.
bac0n avatar
cn flag
I think you can use ```CRON_TZ```. but I don't think you can change TZ on individual entries.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Which do you mean? Change the time at which a `cron` job runs (edit the `crontab`) OR convince the `cron` job it's being run before a deadline (edit the `crontab`, set `TZ=` for the job)? Read `man -a crontab`.
cn flag

CRON_TZ instructs your cron table to run in the assigned timezone, you can also use TZ, which sets the timezone for your command if you want it to use a timezone different from the system.

# min hour dom month dow command
0 9 * * * TZ=Europe/Helsinki /bin/sh -c 'date +"$USER: \%a \%e \%b \%Y \%H:\%M:\%S \%Z"' >> /tmp/timestamp.log

This cron will run when the clock strikes 09:00 in Finland, i.e., 08:00 here.

[bac0n@betazoid ~ 07:59]: tail -f /tmp/timestamp.log
bac0n: Sat  4 Dec 2021 09:00:01 EET

If you want to run specific scripts in different time zones, you can use systemd.timer instead. There are endless ways to organize your timer/services, e.g., you can use an instantiated timer to add the different time zones.

# file: [email protected]
Description=Timer for timezone %I  
OnCalendar=*-*-* 09:00:00 %I  

The second service template is a general service for all enabled time zones, there is also possible to create a specific service for a time zone with different sets of properties.

# file: [email protected]
Description=Service for timezone %I

ExecStart=/bin/date +"%I: %%a %%e %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S %%Z"

Now you can start adding your time zones.

systemctl enable --now 'timezone@Europe\x2fLondon.timer' 'timezone@Europe\x2fStockholm.timer' 'timezone@Europe\x2fHelsinki.timer'

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