I am running Xvnc4.1.1 on Ubuntu 18.04. After I type vncserver
, it says
New 'my_host_name:1 Yann' desktop is my_host_name:1
, just as usual.
However I could not connect to remote server. The log file says authentification error.
Copyright (C) 2002-2005 RealVNC Ltd.
See http://www.realvnc.com for information on VNC.
Underlying X server release 40300000, The XFree86 Project, Inc
Fri Dec 10 20:25:02 2021
vncext: VNC extension running!
vncext: Listening for VNC connections on port 5901
vncext: created VNC server for screen 0
error opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/, removing from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/, removing from list!
Fri Dec 10 20:25:03 2021
Connections: accepted:
Fri Dec 10 20:25:04 2021
SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.3
SConnection: AuthFailureException: Authentication failure
Connections: closed: (Authentication failure)
Fri Dec 10 20:25:05 2021
Connections: accepted:
xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device: illegal device ID: -1
xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_x11_state_new_from_device: illegal device ID: -1 SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.3
# Failed to parse arguments: Unknown option --login
Fri Dec 10 20:25:06 2021
SConnection: AuthFailureException: Authentication failure
Connections: closed: (Authentication failure)
Fri Dec 10 20:25:10 2021
Connections: accepted:
Connections: accepted:
SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.3
Fri Dec 10 20:25:11 2021
SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.3
SConnection: AuthFailureException: Authentication failure
Connections: closed: (Authentication failure)
Connections: accepted:
Connections: blacklisted:
SConnection: AuthFailureException: Authentication failure
This is confusing, since I did not input password at all, why would it complain about authentification failure? I just input vncserver
, it would complain about authentification, I thought it would only do authentification when I tried to connect. The vncserver used to work pretty well. Today I just killed the old session, and plan to get a new port, it complains about authentification error.
At the last of log, it says I am in the blacklist, according to realvnc doc, I have to restart to solve this. Is there any way that I do not need to restart Ubuntu?
Here is my xstartup
# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
x-window-manager &
By the way, I have root access.